How to Upgrade IOS-XE on ISR 4K Series

How to Upgrade IOS-XE on ISR 4K Series

Posted by Stone on May 13, 2021

How to Upgrade IOS-XE OS on ISR 4K Series

1. Router Software

1.1 Router Software Component

  • ROMMOM + IOS_XE = Router Software

  • ROMMOM + IOS_XR = Router Software

1.2 Upgrade router software

  1. List the reason to upgrade router software
    1. EOL/EOS
    2. Bugs
  2. Check the prerequisite
    1. Router Device
    2. License
    3. Check If the ROMMON is upgraded.
    4. Check If the ISO-XE is upgraded.
  3. Update Object
    1. What’s IOS-XE Version to update
  4. How to upgrade
    1. Find official documents to update the Router Software
    2. Prepare a Router for update
    3. Download Router Software
    4. Upgrading Router Software
    5. Configure Router
    6. Reload

2. How to upgrade

2.1 Find official documents

ROMMON Document

Search google with keyword isr 4k rommon upgrade to find the software download site

Upgrading Field-Programmable Hardware Devices for Cisco 4000 Series ISRs

IOS-XE Upgrade

Search google with keyword isr 4k ios-xe upgrade to find the software download site

Managing and Configuring a Router to Run Using a Consolidated Package

2.2 Router Software Download

4431 Integrated Services Router for ISR 4431 Router Software

IOS XE Software - Fuji-16.9.7(MD)


IOS XE ROMMON Software - 16.12(2r)

2.3 Upgrade the Router Software

2.3.1 ROMMON Upgrade

  1. To display the current ROMMON version at the IOS prompt

    Router#show rom-monitor R0        
    System Bootstrap, Version 16.12(2r), RELEASE SOFTWARE
    Copyright (c) 1994-2019  by cisco Systems, Inc.
  2. Transfer Router Software ROMMON package file to Router.

    There is two ways to transfer ROMMON package file .

    • USB

      Copy the ROMMON ROMMON package R0 file to a USB flash drive.

    • TFTP

      1. Get information about TFTP


      2. Using ftp client to copy the package to tftp server


      3. Copy

        Router# copy tftp: bootflash:
        ## Checking
        Directory of bootflash:/
  3. Use the verify /md5 : command to verify the MD5 checksum of the ROMMON package file

    Compare with software md5 in Calculated and expected value

    Router#verify /md5 isr4400_rommon_167_5r_SPA.pkg      
    verify /md5 (bootflash:isr4400_rommon_167_5r_SPA.pkg) = 7b852c2927f74ac9cbe5c713eb2c98fa


  4. Run the upgrade rom-monitor command to begin the ROMMON upgrade process

    Router# upgrade rom-monitor filename bootflash:isr4400_rommon_169_1r_SPA.pkg R0.
    ROMMON upgraade complete.
    To make the new ROMMON permanent, you must restart the RP. Router
  5. Reload

    Router# reload
    Proceed with reload? [confirm]
    (The ROMMON boots twice; on the second boot, the upgrade ROMMON starts) 
  6. Confirm

    Router#show rom-monitor R0

2.3.2 IOS-XE Upgrade

  1. To display the current IOS-XE version at the IOS prompt

    Router#show version 
    Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.16.06.S - Extended Support Release
    Cisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(3)S6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
  2. Transfer Router Software ROMMON package file to Router.

    There is two ways to transfer ROMMON package file .

    • USB

      Copy the ROMMON ROMMON package R0 file to a USB flash drive.

    • TFTP

      1. Get information about TFTP


      2. Using ftp client to copy the package to tftp server


      3. Copy

        Router#copy tftp: bootflash:
        Address or name of remote host []?
        Source filename []? isr4400-universalk9.16.09.07.SPA.bin  
        Destination filename [isr4400-universalk9.16.09.07.SPA.bin]? 
        Accessing tftp://
        Router# dir bootflash:
  3. Use the verify /md5 : command to verify the MD5 checksum of the IOS-XE package file

    Router#verify /md5 isr4400-universalk9.16.09.06.SPA.bin
    verify /md5 (bootflash:isr4400-universalk9.16.09.06.SPA.bin) = 717625455dcba3677a36767567cfd33c


  4. Run the upgrade rom-monitor command to begin the IOS-XE upgrade process

    Router# conf t
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Router(config)# no boot system flash bootflash:isr4400-universalk9.03.16.06.S.155-3.S6-ext.SPA.bin
    Router(config)# boot system flash bootflash:isr4400-universalk9.16.09.06.SPA.bin
    Router(config)# exit
    Router# show run | include boot
    boot system flash bootflash:isr4400-universalk9.16.09.07.SPA.bin
    Router# copy run start
    Destination filename [startup-config]?
    Building configuration...
    Router# reload
  5. Reload

    Router# reload
  6. Confirm

    Router>sho version 
    Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.09.06
    Cisco IOS Software [Fuji], ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.9.6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

3. LAB

  1. Upgrade IOS-XE Version 03.16.06.S to 16.09.06
  2. Upgrade IOS-XE Version 16.09.06 to 16.10.1a
  3. Upgrade ROMMON 16.2 to ROMMON 16.12(2r)

4. FAQ

  1. Why update the ROMMON?
  2. Why update the IOS-XE version?
  3. How to upgrade the Router Software

5. Reference

ROMMON Upgrade:

Upgrading Field-Programmable Hardware Devices for Cisco 4000 Series ISRs

IOS-XE Upgrade:

Cisco 4000 Series ISRs Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6


Activating Boost Performance License in CSL Mode

Traditional or Classic Licensing and Smart Software Licensing:

Smart Licensing Guide for Access and Edge Routers